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2 June, 2024

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M&E Week will celebrate engineering and manufacturing

31 March, 2023

More details have been released about Manufacturing & Engineering Week 2023 – the week-long festival of live and digital events taking place at the Birmingham NEC in June, including a two-day exhibition on 7–8 June that will be the new home of the Drives & Controls Show.

As well as the exhibition there, will be a free conference programme including two keynote conferences and events taking place in six Solutions Theatres. The first day will kick off with a talk from a Government official on its plans for supporting UK manufacturing. On the second day, an Opposition spokesperson will address the same subject.

The conference will include a session on the future of UK manufacturing led by former Siemens UK CEO, Juergen Maier. Other sessions will look at whether robotics and automation are the answer to the skills crisis, how to protect against cyber-attacks, and how diversification can transform manufacturing businesses.

There will be four centrepiece exhibitions: Design & Engineering Expo; Smart Factory Expo; Maintec; and Drives & Controls, which will be in the form of a zone this year, before returning as a full three-day exhibition in 2024.

Within the show, Made Smarter’s Innovation Alley will showcase emerging technologies that are changing the landscape of manufacturing, while the Innovation Village, run by the seven High Value Manufacturing Catapult research and technology centres, will be an immersive, interactive area that will demonstrate technological advances that are transforming industry for a sustainable future.

M&E Week’s Innovation Alley will showcase emerging technologies

On the second day of the show, the Manufacturers of the Future programme – developed in partnership with Engineering UK, Make UK, Engineers Without Borders UK and the IMechE – will help students and apprentices taking the first steps in their careers.

Injecting some fun into the week will be a Guitar Legends competition where entrants can win a 3D-printed guitar. A winner will be announced for each day of the show, and one will get the chance to play with a live band at the after-show party for visitors and exhibitors on 7 June.

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